Mar 4, 2025

Why didn't you wear a suit?

I made something! I had to, after watching one of the most shameful moments of statemanship in our country's history

I don't know how important hashtags are any more, but feel free to suggest more. 
#trumpbetrayal #ukraine #russiangop #GoT

Feb 9, 2025

Nazis Are Bad

Listen up. But also, I encourage others to play it too. I wanna see a million covers of this. Or write your own! 

Yes, I published this a couple years ago, but it was less urgent than. Here we are again...

But keep the message simple: Nazis are BAD. (Duh!)

For musicians, here are the lyricds and chords:

Nazis Are Bad

E D A E D A, E A D A

We seem to have reached a time
When Nazis seem alright -- they're not
Nazis are bad, Nazis are bad
Nazis are bad, Nazis are bad
Nazis are bad

When skinheads speak their minds
It's up to us to decide
Is what they say shit or is it legit?
Some have been had, some think it's a fad
Nazis are bad

So you thought you'd stick with the guy
Who sticks his gun in everyone's eye
Fascists decide to give it a try
Italy tried, lots of men died
Nazis are bad

Solo Break

We need to take a stand to keep free our land
We don't need more hate to make this place great
We need to be kind, keeping in mind
Nazis are bad

We seem to have reached a time
When Nazis seem alright -- they're not
Nazis are bad, Nazis are bad
Nazis are bad, Nazis are bad
Nazis are bad

© 2022 William Dechand, Bucktooth Music (ASCAP)

Jan 12, 2025

Billy's Books 92: The McCartney Legacy Vol. 2

The McCartney Legacy Vol. 2 covers the years 1974-1980. This was peak Wings era. Everything was going right: new hot lineup, hit records, a world tour... For Paul personally, the Beatles eventually resolved most of their differences, so they started being nice to each other again. Maybe they could even work together?

I think this is interesting and funny.  

Thanks again to the Saint Louis Public Library. Support your local library!

Jan 2, 2025

Billy's Books 91: The Spamalot Diaries

The Spamalot Diaries, by Eric Idle, is a memoir about starting upa new musical comedy, Monty Python style. It's a short book, and rolls by fast. Mr. Idle is funny and charming, so it's a fun read.

Thanks again to the Saint Louis Public Library. Support your local library!

Dec 30, 2024

Billy's Books 90: Noor

Noor, by Nnedi Okorafor, is an Africanfuturist novel. It's a short novel, perhpas a novella. A quick read, anyways, and compelling science fiction.

Thanks again to the Saint Louis Public Library. Support your local library!

Nov 17, 2024

Billy's Books 89: The Bright Sword

The Bright Sword, by Lev Grossman, is a novel set in the Arthurian era. Magic happens, swords clank, personalities vary. Watch me struggle with my new braces, as they catch my lips while I speak.

Thanks again to the Saint Louis Public Library. Support your local library!